The Bass Society Seminar on Teaching Excellence highlights successful teaching strategies through expert-led, interactive sessions. Bass Society of Fellows are Duke faculty who have each been recognized for excellence in teaching undergraduates and have a distinguished record of scholarship. A Bass Fellow leads each seminar session, outlining an aspect of their successful teaching strategies.

Space is limited, and registration is required. Junior faculty are encouraged to attend. Lunch is provided for registrants. For any questions, contact the Student-Faculty Engagement Office at

Spring 2025 Seminar Sessions

Bringing Your Personal Passions to Your Teaching and Research
led by Bridgette Hard, Professor of the Practice of Psychology and Neuroscience and Mohamed Noor, Professor of Biology
Wednesday, January 29th, 12-1:15 p.m.
Bolton Family Tower Room, 3rd floor of the Brodhead Center

Lunch is provided and registration is required.

Supporting 1st Generation and Lower-Income Students in the Classroom
led by Sachelle Ford, Director of Duke LIFE and David M. Rubenstein Fellows
Tuesday, February 18th, 12-1:15 p.m.
Bolton Family Tower Room, 3rd floor of the Brodhead Center

Over the past two years, the number of lower-income students in the Duke’s first-year undergraduate class has doubled. As we celebrate this progress, it is essential to deepen our understanding of who our students are and the support they require. Join Sachelle Ford, Director of DukeLIFE, for a discussion on the evolving socio-economic diversity of Duke’s student body. She will explore evidence-based course design and classroom strategies that foster equitable learning environments and enhance the academic achieve of lower-income and first-generation college students. This session will include opportunities for discussion, allowing participants to share insights and strategies from their own teaching experiences.

Lunch is provided and registration is required.

Learning by Living: An Experiential Approach to Teaching Life Skills Through Art, Science, and Personal Discovery
led by Shani Daily, Cue Family Professor of the Practice of Electrical and Computer Engineering and Greg Samanez-Larkin, Jerry G. and Patricia Crawford Hubbard Professor of Psychology and Neuroscience
Tuesday, March 25th, 12-1:15 p.m.
Bolton Family Tower Room, 3rd floor of the Brodhead Center

Lunch is provided and registration is required.

Fall 2024 Seminar Sessions

Approaches to Teaching and Engaging Students During a Contentious Election Year
led by Mike Munger, Ph.D., Professor of Political Science, Pfizer,Inc./Edmund T. Pratt, Jr. University Distinguished Professor, Professor of Economics,  Professor in Sanford School of Public Policy and Gunther Peck, Ph.D., Associate Professor in History, Associate Professor in Sanford School of Public Policy
Monday, October 21st, 12 - 1:15 p.m.
Holsti-Anderson Family Assembly Room, Rubenstein Library

We find ourselves in the midst of another contentious election and those tensions permeate the classroom leaving some faculty uncertain, cautious or stuck on how to navigate this unique dynamic. Both Professors Michael Munger and Gunther Peck will share their approaches and experiences to engage students as the election nears. This session will also involve time for discussion and conversation for participants to share strategies from their own classroom experience. This session is moderated by Candis Watts Smith, Ph.D., Professor of Political Science, Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education.

Lunch is provided and registration is required.


Dialogue Amidst Differences: Politically Charged Issues at Home and Abroad
led by Deondra Rose, Ph.D., Kevin D. Gorter Associate Professor of Public Policy and Bruce Jentleson, Ph.D., William Preston Few Distinguished Professor of Public Policy
Friday, November 8th, 12 - 1:15 p.m.
Keohane Atrium, Keohane Quad House 4E

Controversial and complicated issues unfolding at home and around the world impact how willing and able students and faculty are to engage with one another on these topics. Join Deondra Rose and Bruce Jentleson as they share classroom strategies for promoting dialogue among students across global and local issues. This session will also involve time for discussion and conversation for participants to share strategies from their own classroom experience.

Lunch is provided and registration is required.

Map and Directions to Keohane Atrium

Annotated map of the path to Keohane Atrium

From the West Campus Bus Stop:

Walk counter-clockwise along the bus loop and make a slight right near Few Quad House FG. Keep following the path that curves around Few Quad until you reach a set of stairs in front of Keohane Quad House C. Take the stairs down and follow the terraced steps straight down to Keohane Atrium, a glass room on the ground floor of Keohane Quad House 4E.

From the Brodhead Center:

Walk out of the building from the exit by Sazon, turn left, and walk through the arches. Cross Abele Quad and walk through the archway between Few Quad House FF (with the red Baldwin Scholars bench in front) and Craven Quad House B. Follow the path through the quad until you reach the set of stairs in front of Keohane Quad House C. Take the stairs down and follow the terraced steps straight down to Keohane Atrium, a glass room on the ground floor of Keohane Quad House 4E.

Spring 2024 Seminar Sessions

Combining Teaching and Research
led by Gary Bennett, Ph.D., Dean of Trinity College of Arts & Sciences with an introduction from Provost Alec Gallimore
Monday, January 22nd, 12:00 pm - 1:15 pm      
Rubenstein Arts Center, Ruby Lounge 

Extending the Classroom
led by Peter Feaver, Ph.D., Professor of Political Science
Tuesday, February 13th, 12:00 pm  - 1:15 pm  
Rubenstein Library, Breedlove Conference Room, Room 349 

If we are serious about Duke’s mission in cultivating a community of life-long learners, then we must recognize that most of that learning for most of the rest of their life will happen outside the classroom.  Duke’s Program in American Grand Strategy takes that insight seriously and tries to construct learning opportunities that are based outside the classroom and in venues that involve intergenerational learning (including involving alums).  When it works, it is great, but it is hard to pull off and easy to get wrong – and Peter Feaver will share examples of both types of outcomes.

Controversy in the Classroom
led by Rebecca Stein, Ph.D.,  Professor of Cultural Anthropology
Wednesday, March 6th, 12:00 pm - 1:15 pm  
Brodhead Center, Bolton Family Tower Room

What are best practices for teaching controversial subjects in our undergraduate classrooms?  How does one foster a rich and open space for learning on difficult subjects, while remaining sensitive to the range of student viewpoints and lived experiences?  What strategies might we employ that maximize student exploration and listening, while minimizing classroom polarization?  Rebecca Stein will lead this open discussion drawing on more than two decades of teaching on Palestine and Israel.  This session will also involve a group conversation in which participants will share strategies from their own classroom experiences.