Directions: You can access our office through the first floor side entrance of the Allen building, which you can find on Duke Maps. If you are facing the Duke Chapel, the side entrance will be on your right with a few steps leading into it. Once in, Room 116 will be straight ahead. Disability access is also available on the main entrance located on the Abele Quad.

Parking: The nearest public parking lot is in the Bryan Center.

If you have questions or comments about this website, please email

Submit a Short List Request

The Short List is the Office of Undergraduate Education's weekly newsletter highlighting top events, information, and deadlines that undergraduates need to know for the upcoming week.

The Short List runs every Monday during the academic year.  Submissions must be made by 4pm on the Wednesday before you want your event to appear in the Short List (5 days in advance).

Submit a request for the Short List

116 Allen Building, West Campus
Box 90024
Durham, NC 27708



Office Email:

See the staff listing for individual contact information.